31 Jan 2019, 17:12

Thank you all that provided feedback on my BIG image. It was great to collaborate. I was unable to finish this as a lino cut like I wanted (I had to help with a sick relative) so I colored this in Inkscape. The line work was done by pen. I think I will actually finish the lino cut version just not in time! It will be interesting to compare the finished products.

Background: The story is about a young squirrel Rose whose love of pine nuts leads her to meeting a new friend who happens to be a BEAR! At first she is afraid of the bear. That is where this picture come in.

Text on page: She did, however, pause when a shadow covered the sun and a chill ran down her back. Looking up she saw a gigantic creature staring down at her. β€œHello little one, how are the pine nuts today?” it asked.
