You are so right, Lee! I wasn't so happy with my piece in the end, but in the end I thought of whichever of you is was who said, "Challenges help because they make you put your work out there and say, this is the best I can do right now." In fact, I think that was you, Lee, reflecting on your art school exhibition days.
Today I am taking stock of my Slowvember experience, clearing files off of my almost full computer, and cleaning my neglected house. Tomorrow it's on to putting the Slowvember experience to work! (Along with preparing to go visit the relatives for Christmas.)
I actually wrote a blog post this morning about my first Slowvember experience. This blog is a mixed bag and not strictly, or even primarily, about illustration, and also I am convinced that the only person who reads it is my mom. There! Don't say I didn't warn you!
But this link goes directly to the Slowvember post.