@zacharygephardt Hahahahaha I love this one. Very unexpected. You can also feel how heavy the tree is to drag around.
SEPTEMBER CONTEST: Everyone was shocked to see her show up to school with...
@zacharygephardt Hahahahaha I love this one. Very unexpected. You can also feel how heavy the tree is to drag around.
@jakecrowe that s fun! I love it!
@Coley I love this! Very well done!
@danielerossi Thank you! I was really trying to sell the weight of the tree. I'm glad it came through.
@Coley That reflection looks really awesome! Great Work!
@chrisaakins thank you
@zacharygephardt thanks
@zacharygephardt Your drawing recalled a flashback from elementary school. We were instructed to bring leaves to class and I actually brought branches!
@SFischer I'm not sure about what it takes to make it portfolio ready but I do which there were areas of more clarity -without the light difference the touch of your brush is all the same. so more definition in areas would help in my opinion.
I like it.