My first books are releasing soon :DThank you to SVS and it's members
I haven't been on the SVS forums as much as I would like in recent months as I have been tackling working on my first books, working multiple jobs and the birth of my first child last year (a job in of itself!!). I have missed chatting with a lot of the members on here and looking at all your great work , so I hope to be a lot more active and back into things.
Anyhow, my meaning for this post is just to thank everyone on SVS, the teachers and the forum members, who have helped guided me through the process of becoming a children's illustrator. I have 2 books that are coming out quite soon and may hopefully be on some major bookstore shelves (fingers crossed). Although I have a million things left to learn and improve upon I feel like i'm slowly walking in the right direction
@Gary-Wilkinson congratulations! I've been following your books on facebook and I just love seeing them get developed.
wow! Congratulations! the covers look so good! I love the colors and all the fine details, textures and care you put into this! Hope they do well : )
These look so great! Congratulations on all the things. Books and babies.
@Gary-Wilkinson Congratulations, all very exciting!!! Will be good to have you on the forums once again.
Congratulations @Gary-Wilkinson, these look amazing!
@Gary-Wilkinson That's so amazing Gary, congratulations!!
@Gary-Wilkinson Congratulations! The books look fantastic
Congratulations! These covers look great!
@Gary-Wilkinson congrats! They look beautiful!
Big congratulations, @Gary-Wilkinson - both the books and the baby :-).
First of, Congratulations for having a Baby
! Congrats also to the books, they look amazing, I especially love the first one, the atmosphere is so soft and moody, great job!
Wow! Congrats all around! These books are beautiful. Keep up the good work!
@Gary-Wilkinson Congratulations! Such wonderful news and so well-deserved.
Congratulations on the books and the baby
. I always loved your work.
Awesome man - these look fantastic.
They look amazing. Congratulations Gary!
Congratulations @Gary-Wilkinson !! These look amazing!
I really like that pastel look, so smooth. -
I'm new here, but very awesome. Congrats.
@Gary-Wilkinson Congratulations!