12 Jun 2017, 12:29

You just described me,I also cant get the treehouse finished because it is never good enough! I enter contests and then have so many ideas the contest is over before I even settle on an idea. You sound like you are a perfectionist I am too,I waste so much paper.I have found if you keep all your drawings and look back on them when you need them you will be surprised at want you have drawn,so the next time someone asks for a treehouse you will already have all your ideas planned out. Also take breaks read a book go for a walk, go on holiday.Also speed though the videos because you want are excited to see what is there but always watch them again slowly. I look forward to seeing your most amazing shocking Treehouse I now I feel mine will have to be more amazing and shocking than yours lol.I hope this makes sense i am sure other people will have better advice and I need advice too.