12 Jun 2017, 17:45

@collector said in Perfectionism, over studying and overthinking drain and burn me out and then I never draw anything (recently: made 30+ concepts for treehouse contest and now can't even start drawing a damn treehouse):

Maybe a mindset so analytical, in the end, is really not fit for art?

Hey Collector!

Having struggled quite a bit with analysis paralysis myself, I think that it's important to differentiate between your analytical personality (which, imo, wouldn't be a barrier to creating art at all) and anxiety, which can be the result of putting to much pressure on yourself to achieve an unrealistic expectation (and is the root of the paralysis).

There are many different techniques you can use to deal with this kind of anxiety (which can sometimes be most helpful to learn from a licensed psychologist, especially if you're hitting a wall you can't seem to get past on your own).

But how would you feel if you chose a mediocre tree-house thumbnail, followed through by finishing that illustration, entered the contest, and did not win the contest or receive finalist status? Would you still want to have completed that illustration and entered the contest?

Personally, I'd say yes, because just facing that anxiety about imperfection would be a huge step towards making more art, and having more fun doing so.

But I agree with Aska and Matt that it might help you to get started if you shared your thumbnails. Would you like to get feedback on those from the forums?