3 Jun 2018, 03:45

Fun episode!

Personally, I feel pretty similarly to @Teju-Abiola . I did a lot of fanart as a teen, and still do it once in awhile, but I'm not really interested in selling my fanart work. I think its a great way to create work you enjoy and to connect with people who are into the same stuff you are, but I'd rather put my professional efforts into my own original content. Then again, I am not into any of the big IPs mentioned (Marvel, DC, Disney) and the stuff I'm into wouldn't sell more than a few prints ANYway. So, so, so.

I was wondering if Jed Henry was going to come up in this discussion, I'm glad he did. I knew him slightly, we took the same Writing for Children class from Rick Walton in school. If I remember, it wasn't just that his prints "weren't well recieved" as Will said, but that he hasn't been able to sell any prints in Japan, because their copyright laws don't recognize parody like the laws in the US--that as long as it is recognizable as someone elses IP and thats what gets the buyer interested in it, it is illegal. Of course this was awhile ago so I might be remembering the details wrong. Oh, and they aren't just "Vintage Posters", they are actually legit woodblock prints done the old school way. The guy who runs the studio who does them is quite the character and did a series of Youtube videos about it, I'm too lazy to look it up but someone should :-). He is sooo into woodblock printing and its fun to watch someone who loves their process so much :-).