1 Jun 2018, 16:00

@miriam good points! to speak to your point about the piece I did based on my friends illustration, here's what I think:

being influenced by a piece of art and doing "fan art" is a bit different, although I see the point you were making. influence might be subject matter, color palette, composition, etc. but it's not "fan art" per se. To make something "fan art" it's implied there is an original concept that you are using that someone else came up with. For instance, if I did a batman inspired piece, that is fan art. In the case with my friend, the subject matter was little red riding hood, which is in the public domain and is more of a general classic story. In other words, there is no intellectual property breach in my piece. So I didn't really do "fan art" to get to my image as much as I did a piece based on how he handled story staging. The difference is subtle, but important.

Like I said, I see your point though, so each person needs to figure out what that means for them. : )