15 Sept 2015, 23:47

Nice, that looks a lot better! Highlights, midtones, shadows... all things I have to keep in mind. 🙂 I would only add that he would be "planted" more firmly if you added his shadow a bit on the ground by his shoes... but since it's a character design, I don't think it's absolutely necessary.

Thanks for the book info! I'm always on the lookout for books to add to my list: my goal is to always be working on a book, and at least starting out, I know I will have a better time meeting this goal if I read novels, otherwise I will fall asleep, haha. I love classic children's literature, and I just finished C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy. (Not children's lit, but whatever 🙂 ) I just placed a hold on the audiobook of Till we Have Faces, hopefully I can pick it up soon!