A Witch and Her Brew
Hi, everyone! I'm new here, and finally figured out how to post images. I wanted to show a piece that I did last year that I added value to this week. Looking forward to getting to know you all!
Comments/critiques welcome, but mostly just saying hi. -
Howdy! Welcome!
Love your piece, absolutely terrifying haha
@William-Meany wow your art is really good! Terrifying but good. The kid makes it,, right??? Thank you for taking time to critique my work! I checked out your website. You have mad art skills. You must have a lot of patience to put all that detail in. I could learn a thing or two...
You had me at "witch". Welcome! Your work is amazing and I'm glad you're here.
@William-Meany great work!
This is terrifying--pretty much a child's nightmare come to life!! And well very done. Welcome William!
@William-Meany welcome to the forums! Great piece, if you have an instagram make sure to share it. I want more LOL
That's terrifying...so good! Love the kid trying to pick the lock!
It took me a few minutes to realize she had a kid in the barrel. I love all the machinery off in the corners, it gives a different vibe instead of the stand witch look. Absolutely what one of my nightmares as a kid would look like.