1 Nov 2019, 16:26

New youtube video showing some of the techniques for the Slowvember art challenge!


What the heck is Slowvember? Slowvember is an art challenge where I'm asking you to create ONE portfolio level painting/image in a month!

Seems easy right?! It's not. Most of the time artists are working in a distracted way and always have the excuse "I didn't have enough time". This challenge is to push you to actually finish something! And try to show what is the best you can do right now!

Slowvember is a great followup to Inktober (which was started by my buddy and business partner Jake Parker). Inktober is about speed, Slowvember is about slowing down and figuring out what you want to do next. What kind of work do you want to create? Post all your work from this challenge to instagram with the hastag #slowvember
