Demon Slayer- Artwork
Very beautiful and haunting!
It looks wonderful, I love how you did the sword suface.
Your image is beautiful, your style is really nice id love to see more of your process, keep them coming
- 9 days later
Thank you so much! :D:D@MichaelaH
Thanks! The sword was fun to render out. I do feel it may need some scratches.Thank you James! I'll try to save up more steps of my process for the next one, I'm been meaning to record or do a gif out of it.
@Jorge-Valentin feedback... ummm... holy freaking wow!
this is so stunning on so many levels
Wow!! Loved seeing this process, and beautiful resulting image.
This is lovely! You have a way with making the composition look quite fluid and full of movement and yet your lines and shapes are very clearly articulated without being wishy washy or unsure. Nice!
In addition to what everyone else said, I like the strong sense of volume.
This is gorgeous! So many great things going on in this piece. The sense of volume and the lighting are wonderful. The one minor issue I have is that the upper left corner feels flatter than the rest of the piece. I think it's because the creature's face is pointing directly at the viewer, while the everything else in the piece is angled so you can see the depth. Maybe some lighting like on the mask would help it pop a little more. Sorry to be so nitpick-y. Hopefully my comments are helpful
Great job on this one and thanks for sharing the process images, so interesting to see.
@j-sienkowski Yeah, your right. It does look flat compared to everything else going on. Thanks a lot for pointing it out, any nitpickyness it's highly appreciated.
@LauraA Thank you! Always trying to find ways to show form without overdoing it.
@Coreyartus Aww man, thank you for saying that, made my day. I appreciated!
@Perrij Thanks a lot! I also love seeing your process as well it, love how it has traditional feel to it, it's just great. Can't wait for the next piece.
@ambiirae Lol, thank you! That's the reaction I was going for. :D:D:D
@Jorge-Valentin Love this and seeing the process was so interesting