Episode 12: A Day In the Life of an Illustrator
Have you ever wondered what your life might be like if you were an illustrator? In this episode, we want to give you a sneak peek into the secret life of illustrators. We will go over what a typical day looks like, some of the biggest frustrations with this lifestyle, and some of the reasons being an artist is so wonderful and rewarding.
Episode 12 is up and ready for listening please let us know what you guys think! Click here to listen.
*We apologize for the audio in this episode. -
Good one guys! The audio didn’t seem bad to me. Lee did drop or break any pens. Pretty smooth I’d say.
Audio was fine. I’m used to @Lee-White sounding like he’s in a tin can
. I’m just glad that nothing was missing like the last episode. Thankyou for teaching us!!!!
@jake-parker Audio wasn't bad. I listened through the speaker on my phone and sounded just fine.
@burvantill I feel like I can speak to that. The tinny sound you hear is because @Lee-White 's studio is actually a shipping container floating about 10 miles off the Tennessee coast. Weird, I know, but he swears by the rent.
haha! it's true. the last two episodes were recorded when I was on the road. Now we are set up in the new studio and sound is good. : )
Thank you for this! This is what I needed when I was in school, just a realistic day or schedule breakdown of a working illustrator. I recently started freelancing and also signed with an agent and when work started coming in I felt like my head was going to explode with all the things I didn't realize I'd have to think about to create a productive workflow and meet deadlines. My school never explained how to handle all of this, so thank you for taking the time to talk about a day in the life of an illustrator! If there happens to be a part 2, that would be cool!
I'm happy you guys are liking this episode. Honestly I didn't know how it would land. When I was brainstorming it I thought it might fall flat or maybe people wouldn't be able to relate or care too much. Glad we went through with it. : )
I'd say this was, to me, the most helpful episode to date. Thanks to the three of you for putting in the time to create this resource for others.
This episode, as well as others, has me paying attention to which direction I want to go. I’m not ready to pull the trigger on the business side of my art, but it is on my radar as I create. What the day to day life of each area is great to know before jumping into that area.
Love this episode! Great things to think about
I thought it was a great episode. Really useful information. This along with previous episodes talking about the lifestyle that goes with different art careers is something I had never really thought about.
I always enjoy these episodes, but I think this one in particular was particularly informative! I also happen to be in the InDesign camp for book dummies—it's sped up my process exponentially.
Loved this episode! Although I’m pretty certain Milton Glaser is a famous designer not a composer
@teju-abiola Yeah. I'm fairly certain that was a Philip Glass story (he was a taxi driver and a plumber who had at least one run-in with a critic while installing a dishwasher). The point still holds up, though!