5 Jul 2017, 21:01

@katrina-fowler Thank you Katrina! (and congratulations on last months challenge!)- really appreciate the feedback - i agree there is nothing to establish scale here - i tried to draw this guy off an on for quite a while - aways moving on to someone else in the story because it was not working out - it wasn't until i stopped trying to show scale and just did a portrait like the other pieces in the series that it began to feel right and i was able to finish it - i know i am not supposed to rely on the text to explain an illustration but i think i am leaning on it quite a bit for this one because it could easily be a closeup of a tiny spider as you say.
Thank you too for the kind words about the website pieces ...i think the Lion with the Crown might be my favorite too... i was thinking of having having the virtual cover for the book be either the four main characters laid out Brady Bunch style or having just the Lion with the Crown as the cover - not sure ..might be strange to have just the lion though ...not sure 🙂
@Chip-Valecek Thank you Chip!
@ambiirae Thank you Amber!
@TessW Thank you Tess!