4 Jul 2017, 20:31

Well i think i'm getting close to finished with the Oz project 🙂 it has been a while since i worked on one of my Wizard of Oz pieces but i feel like this one is fitting in with the level of finish (slightly loose) and mood of the others..?

  • the text describes the giant spider as having a row of footlong teeth, legs the size of tree trunks, covered in coarse black hair, ability to grab with its legs, and big as an elephant,
    ...it's funny how i always notice things when i post them here... like the missing hair on the right side of the mouth... anyways..any comments or critiques always very much appreciated 🙂
    (If you have not seen the other Oz pieces most of them are on my portfolio site kevinlongueil.com - i put the spider in the middle of the slide show there to see if it stands out in a bad way or not)

0_1499371097478_spider 2.png