Fancy Animals...struggling with the graphic design
I tried throwing together a box design the other day. I'm getting a box sent to me so that I can check to make sure all the cards will fit and my wife suggested I put some images on it since it's the same price either way. It's a standard "tuck box", almost like an oversized playing card box. You have to visualize how it all folds together!
So using their image template I came up with this:
I'm really not excited about it. I might ditch the gold boarder or maybe just tweak it some. Any suggestions?
Also: I've finally finished the playing cards. Once I get my final logo design set I'll be able to have these cards printed--the logo will be on the back of each of the cards.
I think your font is too big and too white. It overpowers the wonderful illustrations. I would probably play around with reducing the size of the font and making it slightly off-white. I believe the frame should stay, but the writing should not overlap with the frames.
Just my thoughts - graphic design is a lot of fiddling and seeing what works (at least for me). -
My first thoughts were much the same as @smceccarelli 's... the font looks too bright white compared to the subtle subdued tones in the picture. I also agree that making the font sit within the frame would help make the overall feel of it work better.
I think the way you used the number text on the playing cards works much better - for sure I would try using a more subtle off-white colour to start with, because that may well fix it.... but as a second option you could try a coloured text with a white border, like you did on the cards (eg you could try a golden yellow ochre, like the frame but lighter to make it come forward - OR a shade to match the clothes of the featured animal - eg blue or green). Will be interesting to see the final results
I love it- I would maybe just shrink the font to fit Fancy Animals in the gold frame. So professional looking
I agree with the thoughts of everyone, I would add that the frames are Awesome, just maybe a little too thick. Think them out and add color/dimension to your lettering and your animals could be bigger. I am an instant fan! great job!
I appreciate all the suggestions! I will work on them all and see if I can it better--I can already picture some of them and I agree it would improve things greatly!
Also: I'll post a picture of the box when it arrives--just to see how it looks "in the flesh".
This is an updated design for the box (different sized box). I am actually really happy with it:
Here it is in action on my shelf:
@mattramsey This looks so great Matt!!!
I would pick this up instantly. Looks awesome!
Rally really awesome. People will like to have it on their own shelfs.
Very Cool. I'm Jealous
This looks great .
@mattramsey The updated look is great! Well done!
Is this for a games publisher or a self-pub? Sorry I guess I don't know the backstory behind the project. I have started doing a fair amount of work in the board game industry so I have been wrestling with restrictions native to that particular way for printing, etc.
Love the industry, hoping to get more work there.
Thank you everybody for the kind feedback! It means a lot to me.
@andyjewett This is a game I've designed and am doing the art for (I'm not finished with the point (clothing) cards)--I plan on submitting it to various publishers and hopefully one will pick it up. I've done a lot of research on Kickstarter and I'd really rather not have to go that route but it might be a possibility.
I'm also working with Robert Couch (he is the designer of the new Saloon Tycoon game) on a card game he designed. It's tentatively called "Eight Arms to Hold You." I am just doing the art for that one--I have a separate thread on here that I will keep updated.
It looks fantastic and really professionally finished @mattramsey - congratulations! I hope you have success finding a publisher for it.
@Dulcie Thank you! I think I did pretty good on the design if I do say so myself--I'm bragging because I am NOT a graphic designer and I really struggle at things like that. Plus I know that a real graphic designer could find a lot wrong with what I did.
I don't think I even did any kerning on that font. I just let er rip. Turned out good to my eye. If I do get this sold I am sure a publisher will change it.
@mattramsey You should be really happy with this Matt - it really looks fantastic! And like the others have already said, seeing that box I would definite pick it up to find out more about the game for sure. Really really nice how this is all coming together!
@mattramsey Looks great!