Here's How You Post Images
Make sure your image is hosted on your own website, deviant art, flickr, blogger, tumblr, instagram...any thing where your image will have it's own url address.
Copy your url address, for example, I'm going to use one of mine that's hosted on my website:
- Then type this: 
And that's it! This is what it looks like:
Hey jake! I can't get my images to show up. It keeps appearring as a link. Can y0u help? Here's a paint over I did earlier...
Here's the actual url:
I pasted in what you had above and it doesn't seem to work...
![] (
Hey @lee-white so you've got two problems. The image from flickr needs to have a .jpg at the end of the url and it can't be a private image. When I click on the link I can't see it unless I'm logged into flickr for some reason.
Also, make sure there's no space between the [] and the ()
Oh, and I enabled the ability to upload an image, but I'm not sure how it works yet. I need to test it out.
ooo thats a big help. other wise i was gonna have to keep going back to ur instructions to remember what to do. ur a wizard
Does the system allow users to upload images from a computer?
Freddy -
@Ferdinand-Landry Yes, just click the upload icon when posting your image. Looks like a little hardrive box with an "up" arrow on it.