27 Mar 2021, 23:13

Hi this is Eira, her name means snow and she lives in a secret valley that's under attack. Her love for and abilities to connect with animals is the reson she's been the chosen one to find help saving the valley from goblins. Off she goes scared and feeling lonely.
Before she began her journey the elders gave her an amulet,

-keep this close to your hart, they said.
And so she did, not knowing why, until she met Badge! a grumpy but kind badger. From this day he followed alongside her on the quest she's been given, finding help to save her secret valley.

(I'm not used to ✍ in English, so I hope this story isn't totally off!)

I worked more on this than I usually do, I have the research and story but working on translating it in pictures. Here lies my weakness I think, most of the time I go for pretty rather then expression, trying to change but old habits are hard to fix. Good luck everyone ❤
