Actually the layout that caught my eye the most is C, because it feels very ethereal and bittersweet. It's the most different of the bunch in terms of composition.
A, B and F feels sort of the same silhouette wise, but I like B the best of the three. They all feel like a mutual goodbye. The feeling is more "static" or calmer than the others.
D and E are the most "emotional" of the choices. We really zoom in close their faces and we have a different posing. Although, I think these two layouts seem to carry a very specific narrative compared to the others. The first impression I get is that the lady is leaving him and he's begging her not to go. I think it's cos the lady is looking down at him and his body language feels subordinate. If this is what you're going for, then you could go for either one.
In summary, I think all the layouts are nice, but they all carry a different story/emotion, so you should choose which one fits your narrative the best. Good luck!