That is awesome!
Here is my entry.
This month challenge was my real challenger ...
Good luck everyone!
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@Dima-Eichhorn thanks! This was a fun one to make.
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Here's my entry. This is my first entry into these contests and I only joined this one because I was already working on a Kaiju idea in my head. I just recently joined an axe throwing league and my personal throwing axe is one modeled after the Axe Gang axes from Kung Fu Hustle. It has a flat-edged blade instead of a curved one so in my design, I incorporated that detail. Otherwise, it's basically the same kaiju fro Pacific Rim. Did this on paper first with pencil, then ink and then in Procreate.
@Adriana-Bergstrom I saw this on social media this morning first- I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!
White nicely balances out and you ended up with a really nice ending to your story! I hope there are breathing holes for poor Godzilla lols.
@Coreyartus Wow! So much detail! So much work!
First time participating in a contest here!
Got inspired, and created a traditional piece. Altered some colors digitally. Not so much a full monster design though. I really wanted to show Godzilla cowering in the presence of such an immense creature. He would be a almost a speck if I drew the whole beast.
@Maureen looks like we were on the same wavelength!
@myrainyweekends Soooo good!