Lusia and Sponge
@Jonas-Zavacky These are just dreamy and lovely. I don't know what the story is about, but I'm loving #1 and #5.
I really like #5, I feel most drawn to it. Number #2 have a nice road that feels like travel, but I do not like traveling towards sunset that much. Depends on what the story is about. Number #4 looks like nice rest in shadow, #6 like entering somewhere dangerous.
I love number 1 or number 5!
I guess I will go with the 5th one It is my favorite as well Thanks for feedback
I played with it a bit, how do you feel about this: I decreased the value of the tree on the left and increased one in the middle, so the contrast between light character and a dark tree is bigger. Also how about more diagonal grass embarkment, for increased interest? Btw you lineart is amazing, I love it, can't wait to see more
@Ailantan Thanks for suggestions. Yes adding more contrast between the character and the tree is probably needed. With the grass, I would like to keep it real low and passive, but It suggests me that it needs more interest so I will play with that! Thank you!
@Jonas-Zavacky Looking good! I did a quick cut and paste of my thoughts too - my only thought was that moving her to one side of the composition would help balance the image and possibly give you the opportunity to do a longer stretch of the interesting lighting you are doing between the trees in front of her - i went a bit far with the light in my quick cut and paste but it shows the idea - just a thought though
@Kevin-Longueil I am on the fence right now. I kinda like the composition what I have right now, but I am not 100% convinced with it and your take on it is definitely interesting (a lot) but I am not sure if it helps to convey the feel what I want from it. anyway, thanks for the suggestion.
@Jonas-Zavacky Looks fantastic. Nice work.
thank you @evilrobot
@Jonas-Zavacky It is sweet seeing you process with these. Looking great and keep posting.
@theprairiefox your comment is sweet Thank you
@Jonas-Zavacky this is nice. Whether you go with any of @Kevin-Longueil suggestions or not I think decreasing the brightness in the light beam that is behind them (on the right) will help the focus on where they are headed.
@burvantill Thank you! Yeah, you are right. That part is kinda stealing my attention