Old & New WIP
Wow... unique concept. Is the grandmother a ghost?
@nyrryl-cadiz yes, she will be a ghost. Like the concept of an old person passing on while a new person starts their life.
@johanna-kim I actually had that same idea of the blowing a kiss and seeing the heart/kiss going toward the baby. I will get all of these suggestions added.
Really cool idea!
- 8 days later
@chip-valecek It might take a bit more work, but I think you would really benefit by adjusting the lighting. The right side of the image doesn't contribute much to the story and has quite high values which is needlessly pulling the viewer's eye that way. I think if you made the ghost a light source that would give it a much more dynamic feel.
@gary-wilkinson I see what you mean, i can see if i can make some of that with out taking to much time.
cool idea, but the baby seems like a small adult female wearing lipstick. Gotta make it more "baby" still...
@chip-valecek (Hmm, I just tried to post a suggestion but it disappeared, so reposting...) The metal knitting needles are feeling a bit sharp and dangerous to me, stuck in the arm of the chair, and pointing somewhat towards the sleeping kitty. The kitty and yarn ball are also drawing my attention away from the main action.
A possible fix: Make the needles wood with rounded tips, and have them lying harmlessly on the floor where kitty is or on the arm of the chair, but enveloped partially in an unfinished knitting project, nothing too complex. Also, have kitty with the ball of yarn in its mouth, or under its paw, as if it was playing, but have it's attention directed at granny ghost. Both kitty and baby might be able to see granny ascend.