July contest: Independence WIP
My favorite is the second row, far right, where the bird is looking down on the nest and the other bird seems to be waving. I like how he's looking back at the others as if to say "hey, lookit what I did!"
@bnewman you actually have check marks by the ones I like.
@chip-valecek ha! I know. I meant to erase those... swaying the opinion.
@kat Thanks! my favourite as well.
Hey, my favourite is number 9, cause when the bird is flying over the nest, the independent feeling is higher, or I think so.
Welcome you are going to love this community! Nice thumbnails as well!
I think the one with the check mark or the one above it.
As I side note, I'd encourage you to number these before you post them. I find it makes things easier all around.
Great thumbnails!
@jose-ramos I agree
@lmrush Thank you!
@tessw Thanks! Yes, I shall number them in the future.
@bnewman I'm assuming this represents the baby bird who left the nest first. I like the ones where the wing break the image plane. Favorite would be 3rd over, 3rd down.
@tombarrettillo You got it. I like this one as well. Basically the same composition as the one above it, but mirror image.
@bnewman said in July contest: Independence WIP:
asonably happy with the composition.
I really like this one.
@bnewman Love seeing the progression of your idea! Can't wait to see the final!
www.lmuggliart.etsy.com -
@jose-ramos Thanks!
@laurie Thanks! Me too. I'm terrible at finishing but I will do my best.
- 11 days later
Ok, so I've been learning how to paint with Photoshop. Bought me a Wacom and stylus (had one years ago). Never digital painted before although I know Photoshop quite well. Painting is a whole new animal and I gotta say, I did NOT expect it to be this hard. Even with all the great SVS videos. In my mind I know what to do, but the proof is in the painting. I must have switched styles a dozen times and I reworked the composition. I've spent way too many hours on this so far when I should be doing my homework for the Turbocharging Creativity class. Anyway, I am doing my best to get this independence ill finished. I'm finally at a place where I like the background and I will (must) not paint over it again. Just throwing this out there... comments welcome of course. Constructive criticism is always welcome! I am super impressed with the level of conversation happening in this forum. I wish I had time to participate more. I enjoy seeing and reading about everyone's work!