July contest: Independence WIP
Hey everyone, I've only just joined and I loved seeing all the wonderful submissions for last month's contest. I'm inspired to submit for this month. Here are some initial thumbnails. It's been years since I've done anything like this. Comments and feedback are welcome.
EDIT: why is it rotated? It shouldn't be. If you click on the image you will see it in the correct orientation. -
My favorite is the second row, far right, where the bird is looking down on the nest and the other bird seems to be waving. I like how he's looking back at the others as if to say "hey, lookit what I did!"
@bnewman you actually have check marks by the ones I like.
@chip-valecek ha! I know. I meant to erase those... swaying the opinion.
@kat Thanks! my favourite as well.
Hey, my favourite is number 9, cause when the bird is flying over the nest, the independent feeling is higher, or I think so.
Welcome you are going to love this community! Nice thumbnails as well!
I think the one with the check mark or the one above it.
As I side note, I'd encourage you to number these before you post them. I find it makes things easier all around.
Great thumbnails!
@jose-ramos I agree
@lmrush Thank you!
@tessw Thanks! Yes, I shall number them in the future.
@bnewman I'm assuming this represents the baby bird who left the nest first. I like the ones where the wing break the image plane. Favorite would be 3rd over, 3rd down.
@tombarrettillo You got it. I like this one as well. Basically the same composition as the one above it, but mirror image.
@bnewman said in July contest: Independence WIP:
asonably happy with the composition.
I really like this one.
@bnewman Love seeing the progression of your idea! Can't wait to see the final!
www.lmuggliart.etsy.com -
@jose-ramos Thanks!
@laurie Thanks! Me too. I'm terrible at finishing but I will do my best.