Wizard of OZ Book Cover Mockup
@Jeremy-Ross Great cover! I love that you chose black as the background. the characters are definitely standing out
Thank you @Nyrryl-Cadiz and @ina, I really wanted to try something different and challenge myself with the dark background. This was a lot of fun, and barely finished on time!
So cool! Absolutely love it
@Jeremy-Ross it looks awesome. Is there a template you imported?
Thank you for your kind words @Coley and @silvialcg!
Mr. @Kevin-Longueil gratefully shared his template with me in his thread. Just scroll down to the bottom and you grab it too! https://forum.svslearn.com/topic/9816/july-prompt-silver-shoes-tiny-bit-of-color-any-thoughts/27
Wow! Today’s Wizard of Oz voting contest was awesome!!! Congratulations to the winners, top 16 and everyone that entered! Lots of amazing submissions.
Just wanted to take this quick opportunity to thank @Jake-Parker and @Lee-White and express my gratitude for the critique at the beginning of the live critique. Mine was in the middle, yellow spikes inspired by Gaudi’s La Sagrada Familia.
You guys were right on, I spent a whole 2 minutes with the city, whereas hours on characters and font.
I’m going to redo OZ based on the great feedback and will resubmit here. This was a fun project!
Thank you
@Jeremy-Ross cool Jeremy. I hope you found it ok that yours happened to be in the group I showed. I just picked it at random. What I love about svs students is the willingness to get their stuff at and have it critiqued. Keep it up! : )
Lee -
Thank you @Lee-White! All critiques welcome, that’s the only way to improve!
Hi @Lee-White, I had a little free time this lazy Sunday and decided to take your advice and redo emerald city.
Not sure if I would have made the cut, but I’m really proud of this cover.
My wife and daughter think it looks much better.
Thoughts anyone?
I haven't gotten to say how much I like your cover yet, so great job! I love the treatment of the type and how the characters cast shadows on it. Great little detail. Also, your mockup is terrific.
I think the Emerald City is much clearer now and really get a feel for its grandeur and complexity. Really nice work!
Thank you very much for the feedback @JoshuaDages!