May WIP thumbs
I really feel the emotion in #1 although #3 could also be interesting! I might be biased, though, since I also chose an underwater scene, haha.
Somehow I like 3! I think it's different and there's something oppressive about the idea of being deep underwater, in the dark, that says isolation to me. Maybe add a hint of danger that a makes the character feel even more vulnerable?
One is more peaceful, which is nice, and I also like the composition and possibility for the watercolor effects. And two is similar to it in mood but I like composition of 1 better.
So it all depends on the mood you want!
I love both 1 and 3. I like the silhouette in 1, but I think 3 so strongly emphasizes isolation. The absolute silence of being alone underwater would feel very isolating.
@LauraA thanks for the feedback! Do you think number 1 has enough “going on?” I’m imagining it as being fairly minimalist but worry maybe it needs additional story elements?
Does this composition for 3 feel like it adds to the sense of isolation?
@Braxton I really like this. I wish I had thought of it.
@chrisaakins thanks!
@Braxton From your initial thumbs, I preferred #2 because of the way the background compositing encloses the figure, which is further enclosed in a tent. You more recent reworking of #3 definitely adds to the feeling of isolation for that image, though. Just the idea of being deep underwater away from other people, enclosed in that suit, in the dark--very isolating. With this new reworked image, I definitely prefer #3.
@Johanna-Kim Thanks...I'm thinking I'll go with that one. I maybe feel the most emotional connection to (1), but overall (3) probably fits the prompt better?
I really like your rework of 3! All that space above his/her head recalls how far down divers go, and also it makes for an elegant composition.
I like 1 minimalist like it is, but that may be one of my flaws as an artist. I tend to really like minimalist compositions and for this reason some people have described my work is "decorative." Not sure that's a good thing!