Greetings from Italy
Hi everyone, I’m Adriano, I’m 32 and I picked up drawing as a regular hobby a few years ago. I currently work as a CAD operator (it doesn’t have much to do with art) but I’d be happy to be able to switch career one day.
I joined SVS a few weeks ago, mostly because I thought that having clear goals in form of courses with exercises might help me improve better than watching a youtube video here and there and also having a community to share your work with is better than doing it alone.I’m happy to say that the courses that I’ve taken so far all had some eye-opening informations that already helped me getting better.Well, that’s all for now. See you around the forums!
Welcome @Adriano! I hope to see some of your work soon! I am glad you want to share your journey with us.
@Adriano Hi welcome to the forum!
Hi Adriano! And welcome! I think you'll find that the community, the podcast and the courses are all helpful. Where are you? I'm in Turin.
- topic:timeago_later,9 days
Thank you all!
Hi Laura, I live in Bergamo. Nice to see someone else from Italy -
Welcome to the forums
Welcome Adriano!
Welcome, and have fun.
Welcome! Hope you find lots of inspiration here, it's an awesome community to be part of!
Hello, I'm sure you'll really benefit from SVS, I've not been here long and feel like I've already learned a lot and had great feedback on work.
@Adriano There are a few of us! I'm actually American, but have been here for a while now and feel an affinity for both cultures.
I see you're in an area that has been hard hit by the coronavirus
We're a little better off in Torino, but things are hardly normal. I keep telling myself that at least I'll get more drawing done if I stay home. Stay safe!
@LauraA Here the situation is becoming quite surreal, the streets are empty compared to the usual, with a lot of people going around with masks and gloves.
Personally I'm fine, I've been avoiding contact with others, especially with my parents, since I work in the municipality of Nembro that was one with the most cases. They were talking about making it a red zone a week ago already, but since it's a very industrial area they waited for fear of economic damage.
Starting this week I'm working from home and luckily for me I have hobbies that don't require going out. -
@Adriano stay safe guys
@Adriano Yeah, just when you think it can't get any weirder, it does! It takes a lot to keep me inside all day, but now I'm convinced. Hopefully it will make a difference in my illustration! I hope SVS can help you enjoy your time at home more as well. Here's to semi-quarantine drawing!
@chrisaakins It's a good idea to start early if at all possible. We should have started earlier! Now, if I can just discipline myself to use my time well...
Buon lavoro a tutti! (Have a good work day, everybody!)
We stayed at home even though it is not lockdown yet in Oslo. We all home officed since monday this week, and I took my daughtor out of the kindergarten yesterday. I think the schools are probably going to close down within this week anyway.
I probably will not get much done as my daughtor is still a toddler and wanting to play with me all day long when we are home together.
Hope everyone stay safe.
@xin-li I remember how hard it was to get stuff done with a young child at home. Stay safe