February contest WIP
I wasn’t really sure what to do for the February contest until i talked to @Braden-Hallett (thanks braden) he had suggested to do a prop design. This sparked something great. I’m going to incorporate prop design and the character design practice I’ve been doing on the side.
Here are silhouettes of a staff im going to have the character wielding, I really like the weird branchy one (1) the most, and 2 and 3 in that order.
Hi I don't know why but I love 3 because for me it lets all these questions pop up in my head: who does it belong to? Is the owner a magician? What is it made of? And I just really love its shapes.
1 for me seems the more common one that belongs to an old wizard with a white beard and a purple big hat. But maybe you could break the stereotype and make it more interesting this way? No matter how you decide I'm excited for the final result -
@Juli thats Very interesting, maybe combining the shapes would increase it’s interest
@Aleksey I'm a fan of #3! Reminds me of a crescent moon without being a crescent moon if you get what I mean
@Braden-Hallett yeah I totally do
@Aleksey Cool idea. I am curious to see where this goes. I really like the one to the left of #3. Whatcha got planned?
Ok so i mixed a few ideas and got this scyth looking staff
@chrisaakins My idea is to create a “night” character that looks like a legendary or deity like being kind of “cutting” through the sky creating nighttime.
Once I design the staff ill design the character then do the scene i hope I’ll have enough time. It is February afterall
I think its gonna be wooden with a ceremonial style crescent moon. Trying to mix up the simple/complex, might minimize the line and paint in the textures
That weird line coming off the middle was an accident
Ok i think i solved a lot of the issues I’ve been having
Ok i think the prop is done, next up is the character design!!
Ok i made a few poses and i had the idea of creating an offhand lantern like object as well to match the staff
I numbered my preferences
Ok i played around with it a bit more. Can’t decide on magic crystal or magic egg. I’m gonna play with it more im not satisfied and I think an egg goes well with the bird face on the staff.
@Aleksey This looking cool! I do feel like the brightly colored handle pulls away attention from the blade. But I guess the hand of the person would be hiding most of it anyway. What was your inspiration for the piece? Reminds me of Celtic art a little bit.
@chrisaakins thanks chris, dungeons and dragons hah..
Yeah i think i like the previous egg one
Not sure im gonna use this I’m gonna take a break and think a little
@Aleksey I really like these, but...
"My idea is to create a “night” character that looks like a legendary or deity like being kind of “cutting” through the sky creating nighttime."
...would a deity that is creating night, carry a light?
Just a thought. I know you'll pull it off.PS. The light is very cool BTW.
@burvantill yeah I thought about that and ya cant have night without day? Idk dont wanna over think it. But thank you, maybe i do need to hone in on the idea here.
Cool lantern. I like the stance of figure #1. He looks in action.
@KaraDaniel yeah i do too
Also i think i cane up with a design I like