@jakecrowe A lot of this does have an analogous feel, but I see some that lean toward complementary as well. The Hellboy for example is orange on blue. The first thought that came to my head when I saw this grouping of paintings was pyschedelic comic art. I think it is the pinks, purples, teal greens, and the heavy emphasis on linework as well as the subject matter that makes it feel like it fits that genre.
It seems like you are drawn to a certain kind of moment and mood. I would call it quiet action. Sometimes the content is quiet but the rendering gives it a little boost, like in the hero never sleeps image. Quiet scene, loud colors.
Other times the content is action packed, but the rendering tones it down. The Hellboy one for example, a monster is busting the ground open with a boooooom but that blue calms it down (for me). I don't know if any of that makes sense but I'm just trying to throw some ideas at you to explore.
Last thing, you seem to be very attracted to excellent draftsmanship. These all have realistic perspective and the human characters are all drawn with realistic proportions.