Hmm... I want to elaborate this a bit more, maybe that will help the pro illustrators here to point me to the right direction:
I am buidling a children's book portfolio, and currently my porfolio lack some indoor/home scene, and also I do not have sequential pages in my portfolio now.
At same time, I have a couple of story ideas I have been working on and off during last half a year or so. The stories are in rough thumbnail stage, I am still working on the pacing, and changing bits and parts. So I looked through my rough thumbnails, and picked out some scenes which are happening indoor. I plan to take 2-3 thumbnails from a single story, and take the images to finish and add them into my portfolio. But I may also use them later when I am done with the dummy book and ready to pitch the story.
I probably need to make an effort to promote my portfolio pretty soon to attract future clients. So this will probably happen before I finish my dummy for pitching. My question is:
Are there any portiential issues to include finished illustrations for a dummy book in my website, BEFORE pitching the story to agent/publishing house?