Hello again friend! Nice to see your font again. I hope you find a way to take care of yourself... your hands/wrists/etc, and your creative self! Welcome back.
Re-introduction: Hi, I'm Shinji
Your art is AMAZING!If I was where you are now, as far as skill level, I would be a happy camper.
You have great Work on Your webseite, welcome.
@shinjifujioka welcome (back)!. Your work is indeed amazing! I am not a specialist, but from what I see, you can certainly drop your day job for your dream job! I am sure you will get a lot of contracts if you advertise your portfolio.
Good luck!
Really great work! I'll join everyone else here in having only nice things to say about that dashing portfolio. Welcome back!
Welcome back, I remember you and you stunning art
Oh this is you - lols I have seen your work -dude pretty inexperienced is not at all how I would describe you -your work is confident and I love the first three works on your illustration/portfolio page! Fake it till you make it -doesn't even sound like you.
Welcome back - I don't think we have met -Hi I am Heather
Hello again friend! Nice to see your font again. I hope you find a way to take care of yourself... your hands/wrists/etc, and your creative self! Welcome back.
Welcome back! I was really inspired by your art when I was just starting here in SVSâ still am. I especially love that kid with his teddy bear in the rain. Glad to have yuo back.
Hi!! Your art is amazing!!! Wow! Can't wait to see more of your work here on the forum!!
@lmrush @Sarah-LuAnn great to see some familiar names in the forum!
@Heather-Boyd I guess I consider myself inexperienced because it takes me too long to get to the finish line; and that's a result of me not having enough knowledge about art. I could learn way more about fundamentals, as well as build a more disciplined and reliable creation process. A lot of my process is going down dead ends and backtracking.
I'm like that backpacker that has very little wilderness and navigation skills, but somehow makes it out of the forest because of stubbornness and trial and error. The journey would be a lot smoother if I knew where I was going and how to get there...:smiling_face_with_open_mouth_cold_sweat:
Welcome back to the forums
Lookin' forward to seeing more of your work!
@Braden-Hallett Thanks! I'm hoping I can create more art and be more active on the forums.
Awesome portfolio!
Welcome back! You have awesome rendering skills for sure and I'm looking forward to seeing your work as you build those other skills you feel like your are lacking.
Hi Shinji! Welcome back! : )
Hello Shinji! Nice to have you here! I feel you with the hand
I had some hand issues too.. Excited to see your work
@Lee-White Thanks! I'm looking forward to learning from you and all the other instructors at SVS!