@JerrySketchyArt On the vertical lines, I just followed the Procreate perspective tool so those should be right but the perspective tool doesn't space the horizontal lines and I admit I was just eying that... badly! (Some of it may be that I wasn't thinking of the tiles as being square but as rectangular.)
Group run through creative environment design week 6 art and feedback
@demotlj good choice on the low angle makes the bison look much bigger.
Okeedokee! I finally get to play in my local DND game, so I'm all into the generic fantasy settings. I may finish this one day!
The puzzle pieces I'm trying to juggle: Composition (thirds and fifths) silhouette, balance, proportion (thirds and fifths again) and value. Are there any principles I'm forgetting off the top of my head?
Planning to paint this eventually, but since this class is on design I'm going to call this homework complete.
Side note: The odd cropping and extra space on the outside are due to game design best practices. We have to plan for a wide range of aspect ratios (think ultra wide screen vs an old 4:3 TV screen) which can shift the visible area by a decent bit.
@demotlj This is a really nice scene! Even with scribbled in characters the story is really there. I think the floor tiles should be larger in the middle and get closer together as you go out though.
@JerrySketchyArt I assume you mean the horizontal floor lines not the vertical ones. The tiles against the far wall are much smaller than those in front but I didn't increase the size evenly as they come closer. I'll have to fix that.
@demotlj Both lines should get closer together as distance from the viewer increases. The ones in front of the camera should be the most square. Example:
@JerrySketchyArt On the vertical lines, I just followed the Procreate perspective tool so those should be right but the perspective tool doesn't space the horizontal lines and I admit I was just eying that... badly! (Some of it may be that I wasn't thinking of the tiles as being square but as rectangular.)
@demotlj I'm yet to find a good tool for quickly creating grid lines. Clip Studio has perspective rulers too, but it doesn't force proper spacing either. Argh! My solution is to find/make a checkered square grid. Import that grid and do a "free transform" into the shape of the floor/wall/ceiling/whatever. Then you can use that as a guide for your marks.
If you want more rectangular lines just add an extra line down the middle. Example over your drawing:
Free Transform to match floor/wall lines
@JerrySketchyArt That does look better. I think the problem is that the perspective lines aren't supposed to be used for spacing like I was doing whereas your method keeps that spacing. Thanks -- I'm going to try that.
I’m going to call this done. It’s still very rough (don’t look at it too closely) and I will add other characters, tweak the placement of things, and improve the line art but for this exercise, I think this is as far as I need to go. I really had to think about interior design more than I ever have before so it was really a helpful exercise.
starting my subjective final. I decided on doing an interior just because it moved me when I had the idea lol. I had the idea of doing something that I would have loved as a kid. and that was to have a window in my room that opened to either a paddock or a stall for my pony! So these are my thumbnail ideas. Very open to feedback! I tried to keep perspective and rule if thirds etc in mind but I have been struggling with it too. new to all this. any advice appreciated. p.s. am online now watching the live event! exciting!
@Coley Neat! What kind of mood or feeling are you goin' for?
@Braden-Hallett I'm thinking something sort of like childhood dream come true lol. Basically a horse crazy kid's bedroom with lots of horsie decor. Horse themed bed comforter, pair of riding boots on the floor or something, horse poster and horse show ribbons. Basically my childhood dream room Ha ha. I don't know if that's what you mean by theme or mood? The child might be around 10 or 12. I guess for subjective the mood is quite important....is fun a mood lol? I'm really new to illustration so not being completely married to reference and just thinking about if I like the look of my piece rather than what story it tells is all new to me. But exciting. Any other feedback or questions that get me thinking harder are welcome!
Another thumbnail I just did. Liking where this one is starting to go. Gonna do a bunch more tomorrow. I've spent the last two days reviewing most of the videos in the course ( except crits) so I could remember concepts while I tried to figure out thumbnails. I'm sure I'm missing stuff but I've rarely ever done this kind of thing and I'm really so darned excited!
tonal possibilities for different lighting scenarios......think I'm maybe going with the first one but starting to work on an intermediate sketch first. Gonna leave the horse/unicorn etc out for now. Might just develop this environment and do another with characters later. I am not an environment gal so this is excellent practice
@Braden-Hallett Just seeing this for the first time, this looks great! Your work always seems so effortless, its both intimidating and inspiring. Every time I look at one of your pieces I am reminded I need to loosen up.
@Erin-Cortese this hits all the marks for me. The shadow is pretty cool!
@Coley Thank you! My husband had a look and said the power lines look like they do not attach to anything, like he could not imagine the placement of the pole outside the frame. Did you get that feeling too? I put them where they looked best in the composition, but if it’s not believable I think I need to move them