A new challenge. I'm working on a picture book which is for young children and is full of fairies so this challenge is drawing fairies, all the things they do in the garden and thinking about gesture and expression. And hopefully be better a 100 drawings in the future. Critiques welcome! This is all about getting better.
Judy Elizabeth Wilson SVS OG last edited by Judy Elizabeth Wilson 20 Sept 2019, 14:12 18 Apr 2019, 16:21
A new challenge. I'm working on a picture book which is for young children and is full of fairies so this challenge is drawing fairies, all the things they do in the garden and thinking about gesture and expression. And hopefully be better a 100 drawings in the future.Critiques welcome! This is all about getting better.
Judy Elizabeth Wilson SVS OG last edited by Judy Elizabeth Wilson 20 Apr 2019, 15:28 20 Apr 2019, 14:11
Can you define "less cartoony"? There are lots and lots of skin tone color palettes on Pinterest and DeviantArt to "color pick" from in various programs, but I'm not sure if that would help you...
I have to say that in my opinion these are leaps above your monsters! I anticipate this will be a more complicated challenge. These seem more planned and executed with more forethought. I can't wait to see what you come up with next!! Well done and keep up the good work!!
@Coreyartus Hey Corey. By less cartoony I mean more accurate as there are so many skin colours. I would love to have a better understanding of skin tones to add kids from all around the world to my portfolio. For example within lighter skin tones there are pinker skin tones or with an orange tone or with a bluer tone or a redder tone. I did a project of 'Kids from around the world' a couple of years ago. I was interested more in the cultural outfits. One thing I will look at is adding some kind of texture and shade.
Thanks. Yeah, the monster project opened my eyes to being more experimental with brushes and creating layers of colour. It was brilliant.
Yes, these fairy drawings will come in useful for a picturebook project. I have a sketchbook that I do the pencil drawings in then I choose the ones with the most character to colour so there is a bit more planning with these.
Thanks for the Pinterest and DeviantArt tip.
:smiling_face_with_open_mouth_smiling_eyes: -
@Coreyartus Corey I found some fantastic skin tone colour charts on DeviantArt which are going to make this project so much more interesting. Thanks!
@Judy-Elizabeth-Wilson Woohoo!! They're lookin' great!!
Judy Elizabeth Wilson SVS OG last edited by Judy Elizabeth Wilson 24 Apr 2019, 00:55 24 Apr 2019, 00:52
@Judy-Elizabeth-Wilson Skin tone's one of those things that just drives me nuts. It's so hard to get right sometimes. I do rather like the crown, though
Hi Judy! I just wanted to pop in and say super cute fairies! I might have to do a few myself when time permits. Regarding skin color, I say just keep experimenting. You've got at least 100 to try out, lol. I like all the ones you've tried so far!
Hi Judy.
Skin can be really hard to get looking right but I might suggest given how bright and saturated the rest of your images are maybe adding things like more rosy cheeks or saturated freckles might be interesting? You have a bit at the moment but it is very subtle compared to your bright painterly style on most things.
Overall I think they are already looking lovely.
May or may not be helpful, but if you search online for makeup colors (foundation), you can find a nice sample of different skin colors without the distraction of looking at a photograph of a person (too many details). Might help you to make color choices more easily.
These are so cool!
Love the feel of them. Just wondering, I love your colour combinations, so you go into it know what colours these are going to be, or do they sort of decide for you? They're very tasty.