22 Mar 2019, 10:49

Hey everyone, hope you're all having a great Friday so far!
Not sure i'll manage to finish this in time for the Monthly Challenge but I thought I'd give it a whirl anyway as I've never illustrated a book cover before. I've chosen to do A Bear Called Paddington, and I was just wondering if I could get your thoughts on:

  • the overall idea and composition?
  • the sign with the book title (I want it to look like an old fashioned london rail sign)

I haven't worked on the values yet as I added all the little bits in red last night to fill it all out a bit. For colour I'm planning to do all the background in different shades of one colour (see Ben Mantle's 'Boot' book for reference) and then Paddington will be in normal colour so that he stand out πŸ™‚
Would love to hear what you think and if you have any suggestions/feedback?

Paddington_book cover2.jpg