Love sketches WIP, critiques welcome
Working through an idea of portraying love. Perhaps this is more an editorial approach than children’s lit? I had my symbolic thoughts while drawing this (working digital in Procreate). Please let me know which layout you prefer or suggestions for improvements. What does this say to you?
I really like #3 cause the trail of paper plane looks like half a heart, but i like colors of paper plane from #4, it would look better on here, cause it would be light on darker background.
@Ailantan thanks! I wasn’t sure which line flow was working, I didn’t see the half heart shape, thanks for pointing it out I’ll explore that and the colors too. Much appreciated!
I like number 3 the most!
@Raymond_Kaselau I really like #3. It was a pleasant surprise composition. I also like #4 I feel for them both.
@Raymond_Kaselau I’ll vote for #4 - better moment for me I think , especially if the seated figure is just noticing the paper airplane - maybe a tiny bit more space between the figure and plane? Very nice concept!
@NessIllustration thank you kindly!
@Heather-Boyd excellent, thank you!
@Kevin-Longueil thank you Kevin, much appreciated!
I love it. It's like when we throw up defensive walls to protect our hearts from pain, but it's very isolating and lonely. But then that one person comes along, a best friend, a romantic interest, a close family member, finds a way to send us some love over the wall we've built. ️ Beautiful
@Raymond_Kaselau I like the strong simple curve of the heart trail on the #3, whichever you pick I would aim for that.
One reason that I like 3 is because it seems like the love is coming directly to the figure rather than flying past.
But, I also really like the definitive wall and clear separating lines of #1
@Raymond_Kaselau I like the figure in #4 better, but I like the line of the plane better in #3. I think I would use the line of the plane in #3 in #4 (but flipped).
@Debra-Garcia thank you, you totally got it
@Debra-Garcia you're right I like that the airplane is coming directly to the recipient, now I will play with the wall angle. #1 & 4 are more observational, #3 is more of the pov of the character. Since the idea started as the visual metaphor for how love can enter or be void in our lives - now I need to decide what the story / intent is. About the situation or about the character. hmm
@juliepeelart thanks much! Also I just checked your website from your link. Great art, illustrations & comics! Wunderbar!
@theprairiefox Thanks much, good direction too - I like where this is heading.
@Raymond_Kaselau Thank you! Also I was reading through the comments. I like the strong curve partly because it is coming to the character, that feels hopeful to me. I like @Kevin-Longueils comment too about just noticing the plane. The comments on story telling are fantastic. Do you want it to look like the love is going to make it, or coming straight at the character or passing it by? The curve you choose should back up the story. I can't wait to see where this goes!
Love this! I'm torn between 3 and 4 because of the flight lines of the plane - in 3, I feel its a look out here i come and you better be ready kind of a plane because of the straight trajectory and in the 4, it feels like more of a meandering flight, more of a chance, more of let's see where this ends up kind of a thing - I like both a lot - I can't wait to see what direction you decide to go! -
@Raymond_Kaselau I agree with @Ailantan and also love the idea of the heart shape trail. Love where this concept is headed, nice work.