Our SVS Virtual Studio 2019!
@Heather-Boyd maybe? Im not familiar with the surname, theres so many ivans in russian fairytales.
@Aleksey Sorry I guess not. Sir Walter Scott wrote a Scottish novel of an Ivanhoe.
@Heather-Boyd ah no this is based off of ivan the fool. And various other slavik folk tales.
@Aleksey I agree gives him a more confident if not a tad overconfident personality/look with the pointed jaw and nose. I don't know anything about the character however.
@Heather-Boyd yeah i agree. Im kinda making it up. In the old stories hes the protagonist, im kinda making him an antihero because of how self centered he is. My own little adaptation.
@Aleksey I also like the pointier jaw. The round jaw gives him more of a lazy look than an arrogant look but the pointier jaw communicates his personality well.
@demotlj yeah totes. I’m gonna redo it (again) until it looks right to me. This is gonna be very fun.
Please feel free to go bananas on your critique
( saw discussion on safe words in forum earlier
I have been trying to challenge myself with different camera angles as well using a limited colour palette- still trying to get better at digital too. Have revisited a Hansel and Gretel book cover I worked on in turbocharging your creativity class many moons ago - concept of ‘its a trap’ - but I changed the whole composition. Keywords; ominous,scary. -
@Buddy-Skelton amazing, man. Love these birds, and your 2019 rendition does a great job of capturing their beautiful lines.
@burvantill I think it turned out awesome. Great job at getting all those objects in there and composed so well. There are so many retro late 70s references here--love exploring your illustration. Your Photoshop tweak helped to focus our eye more on the girl, but you didn't overdo it.
Hello my fellow illustrators!
The SVS Virtual Studio has been so popular that we are going to make a new thread each month for it now.Post what you are working on in Our SVS Virtual Studio MAY 2018thread.
- topic:timeago_later,2 months
This post is deleted! -
You can repost this in virtual svs Studio for June if you like.
@Heather-Boyd Thank you! Could you give me a link to it, please? Is this thread not active already?
Now we make a new thread every month -now that this thread is so popular.