Procreate Play & Learn
After years of waiting for it, I finally got an iPadPro2 when it was released last month and have been playing with Procreate.
I definitely enjoy the program and am becoming more comfortable with using it.
I don't feel like I can do quite what I can in Photoshop on my laptop, but actually, I think that's a good thing as it is prompting different approaches & results.
Also not sure quite how it'll fit into my workflow just yet. I'd love to hear how others here switch between Procreate & Photoshop. What determines the work you do via each platform? Do you start on one and finish on another? etc.
So far, I think I agree with @smceccarelli that the included brushes are more than adequate (I use the HB Pencil & Acrylic Brushes the most so far); however, I do find some of the brushes by Max Ulichney to be quite useful (particularly some of the Comics ones for line work). Put links to his sites on my blog:
Thought I'd share here what I've been playing with on Procreate in my very limited free time this past month.
Feel free to offer comments & tips. Plus, I'd love to see what everyone here does on Procreate. I've seen some really impressive stuff on Instagram!
I actually gave in and ordered an iPadPro 2 as well. I hope it will run more stable than my old iPad with ProCreate and also be able to run PS for iPad when it comes out next year. I also love the new pencil. Apple got me again....
It´s arriving before Xmas, I hope.For me the iPad is fundamentally a tool for when I’m traveling (which is relatively often) and a super-boosted sketchbook. I don’t use it for final illustrations on client work because there are too many things missing that create more work: CYMK color profiles, brush modes, guides (for bleed, gutter, etc...), text management (to handle layout). I’m also terribly spoiled from using the Creative Cloud - I keep all my textures and color palettes in the cloud and not having them available creates extra work too.
Also, the size is really too limited for me. I want to see a whole spread in real print size, not just a piece at a time
But it´s a fabulous tool - no question. It´s inches away (literally and figuratively) from being a complete workstation substitute.... -
@smceccarelli Awesome! What a very merry Christmas it will be for you!
So far it has been quite stable for me. I've been creating files at 4500x4500px. The downside is that it limits me to 20-some layers (that may include masks & folders but not certain as I haven't counted). Perhaps that's the upside though, as I do tend to be a layer hoarder in Photoshop...
The new pencil is great - Didn't use the last one other than playing at the store & on others' iPads but I love the magnet attachment & charge and have been finding the double-tap quite handy.
Yeah - traveling & "Super-Boosted Sketchbook" is the fundamental reason I wanted it. I agree that it is limited for those reasons and perhaps others. I was wondering if I may find myself doing initial dev work or portions of the final in the iPad, but I think the reality is that if I am working on final art, I'm probably going to be using my computer from start to finish (maybe aside from sketches).
Hi! I’m Aleksey and I work as one of the creatives at Apple in ny. I teach people how to use the ipad and procreate. So let me know if you have questions!
Tips:- Procreate Artist handbook (legnthy but free to download on ibook, breaks down everything in the app for you, theres so muchhh)
- adobe sketch is a free app and syncs with your creative cloud, including your photoshop brushes
- theres an app i saw someone use called Astropad that let’s you utilize your ipad like a cintique when plugged into your computer disclaimer: i never bought astropad or have tried it myself because it’s a $30 app and i Don’t have photoshop yet since im still learning (duet display is another one but I’ve also never used it)
- procreate is very useful for me when learning and experimenting with ideas (then printing it out and drawing on top especially since theres a perspective guide and several other guides built into the app try them with assist mode)
- i bought a $8 matted screen cover for my ipad on amazon to make it less glossy, it’s hard to get the right line on a glass surface
That’s everything that comes to mind!
Here’s A procreate painting i made a while ago:
@swordofodin Thanks! Fun work!
I totally forgot about the Procreate handbook - thanks for that reminder - I bet there are so many gestures and more that would be of benefit!
I have the free version of Astropad but haven't used it with my new iPad yet. I should give that a go soon! I actually almost got Astropad's Luna Display but I just wasn't sure if I would use it enough for the $80 (or the $60 it was discounted to a couple weeks ago)
Have you experienced any negatives with the matted screen cover? It's been in the back of my mind but I hadn't researched it yet.
Something else I need to research is how to do a hard reboot of this new iPad. Doesn't work like my Air2 or my iPhone 6s+ for a shutdown/reboot.
Thank you so much for your input and sharing your work! I want a fruit tart now!
@quietyell hah no problem. I dont know how to force reboot it. I think you have to use the volume buttons and the power button. Like the iphone X i think. I still have the old ipad pro 9.7 (it’s amazing).
As far as screen covers go. They are all the same in my experience when it comes to finger prints but its easy to whipe off. I bought the “iCarez” one off amazon. It was $7-8 and they give you 2. And if you hate it, you’re only out a few bucks. But it’s really helped with my force drawing.
I love that santa, great design.
@swordofodin cool - I'm assuming that those screen covers don't leave residue on the screen if pulled off or that it's easy to clean off, correct?
@chip-valecek Thanks Chip!! ( ^ - ^ )
@quietyell if it does it’s pretty easy to clean the residue. At least in my years of working with iPads is what I’ve found.
italicised text@smceccarelli
Hello! I am new to SVS and come from a fine art background. I have been using an IPad Pro and procreate for about a year and half now. I have very little experience with photoshop. I use it to mostly for resizing and reformatting my images for publishing. The basic question I have been asking myself for sometime is do I need to learn photoshop for illustration. Perhaps for the text and CMYK alone is vital to progressing. I do see how procreate color is a little limited. -
Hello. I have no experience with Procreate so I can't aid you on that subject.
However I really like the following works left to right/up down:
#1 and #2 for characters expression #1 joyful anticipation or surprise and #2 subtle curiosity.
#9 I found very striking. I enjoy the smooth sculptural blending and his head has a unique shape -oh and that nose is fabulous, though I like the one I have lols.
#15 I like her emotional expression -I like engaging emotionally with characters. She's sort of how I have been feeling, thanks.I like to see your Photoshop work so I can compare.
@heather-boyd Thank you so much for your comments!!! You mentioned an emotional connection on a few of them, and liking engaging emotionally with characters; this is something I would like to push for more of in 2019, which I think will also drive more (much needed) concept/story. I have been wanting this but know that I tend to just rely on shape play with my casual sketching, probably driven from having very little free time and being quite tired — both of which became more potent from us having a baby this year amidst other things. Just have to push through it right?
I can understand feeling like #15. I hope your encouraging words to me have brought you a warm feeling & a smile because I greatly appreciate your comments!
Here's some of the various Photoshop work I've done over the past year. You can see a lot more at my site
@heather-boyd oh I forgot to mention regarding "engaging emotionally with characters" that I heard Andy Estra recently say something along with a quote that resonated quite a bit with me. Thought I'd share:
“The public might not know art but they know what feelings are, as they know what life is about; they’ve gone through it. So when you show it to them, they’re going to know if it’s sincere.” — Andy Estra,
And he quoted of Glen Keane, “Draw what the character is thinking; not doing.”
These quotes are right on! I am currently working on two ideas simultaneously with the aid of the Creative Composition course to strengthen my point of view and the mood of the two works. Both have animal characters because I am far more comfortable drawing them over people, =).
Thanks for sharing these and for your kind words in your first reply. I hope we both experiment and push towards more emotional connection in our 2019 work.
I like your second Photoshop work -that long armed robot weeping in his tears and its cute however very unlikely that the doctor who dialect would not be exterminating or at least being disruptive in class.
@heather-boyd Awesome to hear about the class - I need to go through more stuff this year personally and in a class/mentor setting (somehow I'll carve out time!). Animals are fun!
Thank you - Haha yes the Dalek is just waiting for other classmates to show up before extermination begins. It's a sinister, naughty, no good plan.... Approved!
Maybe then have a thought bubble or something so we know he's thinking that way also for people who may not know the most wonderful doctor who dialect lols.
@heather-boyd could be a fun idea — oh those poor poor poor people who don't know!
— That was a project for a huge IT services company and concluded about a year ago, but I could modify it for the portfolio ( ^ - ^ )