13 Days of Halloween
It´s a long time since I´ve tried some sort of social media project. I’ve had this idea of making a mini-campaign around Halloween to feed the ever hungry portfolio. Instead of the 12 days of Christmas, I’m calling the 13 days of Halloween - starting October 18. The idea is to design unusual creepy trick-or-treaters that may be skulking around your neighborhood on Halloween night.
Each should stand alone but also allow to be included in a group shot at the end...cannot say that I didn’t get the idea from Jake´s Inktober in the past two years. Maybe I´ll even use it as a final nudge to start my prints shop (in planning since six months...).
Anyhow, here is the first in the making....Crazy-Bot -
@smceccarelli A neat idea, and I love your rendering!
Wonderful! Great idea!
Is this digital? -
@smceccarelli Wow! Robots are not usually my thing but this is really wonderful. I love the way he is painted.
@smceccarelli - How fun is this!! Love your art and your idea. Crazy-Bot is really great. I love how doesn't even have a bag to hold his candy.
@smceccarelli wow what a neat idea!!! I love your bot
Really interesting design and love the rendering style.
@burvantill Thank you! Yes it´s digital - ProCreate, because I’m traveling...
Wow! I love this idea & your always awesome painting skills.
Great idea! Gorgeous digital rendering. Love the textures.
Second one - a Fish-Out-of-the-Water. Still some tweaks here and there....
@smceccarelli okay, you have officially become the moon that I am shooting for.
@burvantill Not too far...I’m just a satellite orbiting the illustrators I admire
Number 3...easy one but hopefully creepy enough.
The Shadow. -
@smceccarelli Loving the clever concepts here, such as the fish having to wear a bowl on his head that keeps the water in (not to mention the bloody red mouth), and how the shadow covers candy on the floor.
I love the blue in the stomach, but I'm a bit curious about it. Is it because he's digesting candy or is it a bit of color that got through because the shadow's...um...person?...is translucent? Could be both, of course, and it works very well as part of the design.
@smceccarelli wow. would love to see your process of creating this bot in procreate. I am experimenting with painting in procreate also.
@xin-li Unfortunately ProCreate keeps crashing on my iPad (I got used to it and it doesn’t bother me too much), so I sometimes turn off time-lapse recording to help it cope with larger files - and I did for the bot because it had a lot of layers.
I do have the recording of the fish head, though, if you’re interested. -
beautiful work
@smceccarelli Love all of these (and your other work too). Very very inspiring. The last one is especially strong because of the simplicity.
What brush are you using in Procreate?
@nasvikdraws Thank you! I always end up using the same two: Nikko Rull and Pencil 6B.