This was the last of a series of submissions for Highlights Hidden Pictures. Unfortunately, they closed to open submissions right as this was in the queue, so it got rejected (the others are "under evaluation" since forever). So I am wondering if it is worth removing the hidden objects and finishing it off as stand-alone illustration.
Is the idea clear? Any thoughts or change suggestions?
This was the last of a series of submissions for Highlights Hidden Pictures. Unfortunately, they closed to open submissions right as this was in the queue, so it got rejected (the others are "under evaluation" since forever). So I am wondering if it is worth removing the hidden objects and finishing it off as stand-alone illustration.
Is the idea clear? Any thoughts or change suggestions? -
@smceccarelli I say go for it!
I find it a little intense right now, with not much room to breathe, but that might be due to the hidden pictures and it being all line work. It might also have something to do with the tight crop. Also, I think the thumb on the right hand might need a little massaging.
Other than those thoughts, though, it's great! In fact, I need one of these starting this January, so maybe you should just build a real one and ship it to me!
@smceccarelli I think if you got rid of the hidden items and expanded the edges so you saw the whole robot and baby carriage it would be a really cool illustration! It looks nice as it is but I agree its a little cramped. I would love to see it in color though
It is busy but depending on how you color it, it might work out.
I really like it. The only thing I'm seeing is that on the left, the way the carriage and one of the robot arms exit the frame, makes it so it's disrupting the nice circular path you've created with between the robot and baby. It makes it so my eye kind of wants to leave to the left instead of flowing through the scene. I think if you just made sure to de-emphasize that back arm and tweak the far left of the baby carriage it would flow with that pattern you've already created Another thing I thought of would be to crop the right a tad and extend the left a bit.
Anyway, I think it's really strong! It is busy, but that can all work to make a strong image with how you do your values and colors. Too bad they closed submissions before you could enter! Bummer!
@smceccarelli Always love your work. looking forward to seeing it in color
@quietyell Congratulations!! Yes, as I was drawing this I was sort of realizing a secret fantasy I had during those times
Thanks for the notes @TessW - I will rework the crop and see how I can re-inforce the composition. I do want a sense of "buziness" - being on the verge of getting out of control, as those situations often turn out to be. Yet, it still needs to read well!
@smceccarelli Whahaha! Yes! I wish I had one like this. I love the 'business'. Its a piece to look at for longer than a view seconds!
I agree with everything the others said so far. The only thing I would add is maybe try to give the baby slightly more cartonny proportions... Especially the head feels a little small compared to the rest of the body. But I really thing this could be a strong portfolio piece