Lee White SVS Team SVS Instructor Pro SVS OG last edited by Lee White 4 Jun 2017, 22:23 2 Jun 2017, 17:54
Ok guys, the basic theme of this months challenge is TREEHOUSE. That means a treehouse needs to be incorporated into your work in some way. As always, images with strong storytelling AND technical ability will tend to do better. Try to come up with something new and awesome. Think about who built the treehouse, why they built a treehouse, and what it means to the story you are telling.
Paste your images into this thread and let's see what you got!!!
Good Luck!!
@Eric-Castleman wow! that was fast! hehe! Great looking image too!
@Lee-White thanks, Lee!
@Eric-Castleman ooooh I love that bunny!!!
@Eric-Castleman Love the rabbit!
I am really enjoying these challenges,it makes me use my imagination.
@Eric-Castleman Really nice ,I love it.
@QuietYell I like the bunny too
I actually didn't see ti at first glance because I was looking at the little girl, whom I also think looks great
@Eric-Castleman Yes, that rabbit! I noticed that girl immediately, but then I saw that rabbit and it absolutely stole my heart away.
Wow! You are on it! Nice.οΈ
@QuietYell @DOTTYP @Kevin-Longueil @Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen @TessW @Pamela-Fraley
Thank you all so much. I am glad you like it, and the rabbit definitely was fun to put together. Everyone here has helped me so much over the last 11 months, and I can point out numerous things in this piece that are the product of many people on these forums, as well as the classes at SVS. So it is great to get everyones approval here.
Here's the details!
-Post your best tree house in this thread
-One entry per person
-File size no more than 1200 pixels on the longest side
-Donβt forget to include your name or alias / website / social media, so we can give you credit!
-Only submit if you are OK with us posting your image on social media
-Post by June 30PRIZES:
-1st place: free one month subscription
-2nd runner up: SVS t-shirt
-honorable mentions: the chance to bask in the limelightGood luck!
Just joined here and would love to join this contest quick question does it have to be a digital illustration or can it be hand painted?
Thanks -
@ambiirae it can be anything. There are a lot of artists here that work traditional.
@Chip-Valecek Like me!
Not sure if I'll do this or not...I'm feeling a bit worn out from my 30 day challenge
@Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen you should do these! they matter more than the studies do.
@Lee-White Okay. I actually played around a bit today with an idea. BTW, I have a question. I am going to redraw my current book dummy better. For one thing I am going to put all my spreads onto one sheet instead of on two! Also, I am sure that I can improve on my drawings. I know it will never be perfect and I kind of need to finish it before I get so sick of it it completely loses any joy that might come from painting it! Are there people who will just look at a dummy once it is set (I am self-publishing) and give me feedback? I know you are going to be doing those things where you go over portfolio's and help with selling and all that-I can't remember what it was called but, I was thinking it would be nice to have someone at least just look at my dummy and give me some professional feedback on the layout and composition, etc. before I start painting. I really want to finish this book but I want it to look as good as my ability allows at this point in my quest to improve
Ok, lets give it a try:) My first post to the forum here)
I tree house of the Poison Wizard.
If I were a poison witch
I'd start my pills shop selling each:
2 dollars per a happy pill +50 off per pill of rich,
5 dollars for a pill of love
And bonus free pill to get rid of