Thanks for this episode! I have had to learn how to turn things down recently because I participated in the SCBWI portfolio showcase, launched a website, and suddenly had a lot of self-published author offers. While a couple looked decent, the majority did not. I'm not entirely against self-published books, but I actually think that, as a beginner, I need an art director, and there's also the whole opportunity cost issue.
I love your ideas of starting with a short story or magazine piece to dip your toe in narrative sequencing. Great tip!
Also, Hugo Cabret and The Arrival!! 
Now from the sublime to the ridiculous-- @Lee-White, you started this!--I have a whole concept called bathroom tourism. Turkish toilets and unisex facilities not withstanding, bathrooms in Europe can be very stylish, and if I'm in a public place, sometimes I take photos. Favorite touches include a glowing plastic sink (it had a light source inside it somewhere), industrial tubes for the hand driers, black toilet paper that matched the walls, all kinds of shimmery tile and modern fixture shapes, and exposed brick walls. When I travel back to the US, the contrast between the sinks at Schiphol or Charles de Gaulle (those flat sinks that elegantly drain in the back!) and those at Hartsfield-Jackson or LaGuardia is just disappointing.
Anyway, here's how one restaurant in my town handled the fact that knowing where to flush can be a bit confusing:

One day, when women architects rule the world, there will be much more toilet availability. Any woman who has ever tried to make an intermission bathroom run at a concert venue will understand how urgent this issue is and how inadequately it is addressed. Now, back to drawing!