Hi Carlianne,
These are awesome, it's great to see people working on the figure! I do have some feedback for you, I hope you don't mind but I drew over your drawings a bit to help explain some areas. Really two things stood out for improvement right now. Life drawing can be a life long endeavor, the figure can just be hard to draw sometimes.
The thing that stood out to me the most was the balance being off on some sketches. You'll see I have some blue lines on some characters, this is to show the area where the center of gravity is. I've head you can find this in a couple places, like from the ear straight down to the ground. I think generally you can find this with feeling, but I'd try to see if you can find the center either on one of the ears or the chin. And when I say ear, I mean when you can see the head in 3/4, not so much for front on views. I see with the batter, as you redrew the pose, you put the character more in balance.
The other I see, is the ground plane. when I was doing figure drawing regularly, I would draw a little ellipse to help show me the ground plane so I could better plant the feet.
There's a million things to think about with life/gesture drawing. There can be a lot more to discussing balance. It's a little difficult to summarize in a couple draw overs and some text. Hope this gives you a good jumping off point. I love see you do these in non ballpoint pen. Maybe get some tracing paper if you don't have some already. Thats fun for going back and trying to figure out the structure underneath your gesture and experiment with pushing the pose.
Please understand this is a great step, can't wait to see how these progress!
(take the running character with a grain of salt, that was mostly just drawing over it for the sake of drawing over it)