300 Head Assignment
Hi Y’all!
I finished watching Will Westons Lectures (and keep rewatching them cause they so great) and one of the assignments he gave the students was to pick a 2d animated movie and draw 300 heads with a focus on the construction and the features that express the characters emotions.I picked treasure planet
It started out pretty rough but I started getting into the groove After the first few.
Im gonna post them all here, anyone is welcome to join me! It’s gonna take a while...
@Aleksey wow. That is ambitious. 300 heads at ten heads a day is a month. Hmmm. I might take you up on this challenge. What are the parameters?
Fun challenge! I'll be watching.
@chrisaakins you pick any animated movie, 2d, pause and draw the Head shape construction and expressions. I got too into the details in the captain flint drawings but it was fun to mess around with that weird shaped head.
The reason it’s 300 is because you need to finish one and move on, dont linger on one.
This normally is given by will weston as a 7week midterm do it’s definitely achievable within that time frame
Easier to draw from the shoulder
@Aleksey Wow. And can you do details like this?
@burvantill for me, since im still a noobie with this grip, is still just for light construction and large lines from the shoulder. For details I still do standard grip.
@Aleksey these are great!
@KaraDaniel thanks kara!
@burvantill thanks!