Does this horse read as a horse?
Horse anatomy is HARD. Since I have little experience with horses, I've sought out a ton of reference, but I'd like to know if the horse reads as 'horsey' immediately if you get what I mean.
@Braden-Hallett It definitely immediately reads as a horse. But I think it looks a bit small in comparison to the rider? Maybe making the human a bit smaller would help?
Yeah, I think it does. Really nice! I'd agree with @NessIllustration regarding the size of the horse compared to the human.
One area I would possibly adjust is the curve in the back leg, where it juts back and then down. (How's that for trying to describe horse anatomy.) I think yours is anatomically-correct, but it's possible it may read just a bit better if it's exaggerated a bit. Yours kind of comes down gradually to that point, where it could be more of a definite curve. Something like this image.
Kind of a minor thing really, but it's just something I noticed.
Definitely! The only thing I might adjust is the head. Itβs looking a little marsupial to me, it might be too round in the nose.
@Braden-Hallett which one
@BichonBistro Oh, good point.
@BichonBistro Mr. Bristle-britches, of course
@NessIllustration That's a good idea. It could be more of a big ol' warhorse instead of a riding horse. Thanks
@drawnbyshawn Most horse drawings do really exaggerate that curve between the joints, yeah. Good idea!
@jakecrowe Definitely not going for marsupial :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes: Though a knight riding a kangaroo or wombat could be super fun!
My wife rides so I had her take a few photos of one the horses, Alex. Hope they are helpful! The file sizes are too large to add more from my phone. When I can get to a computer Iβll downsize and upload.
@jakecrowe Thanks! More reference! Yay
I see what you mean about the nose. I'll see if I can't fix that
Dont forget a nose
@Braden-Hallett I had horses for 30 years and studied them in college
I think your horse is really fab! The muzzle might possibly might be a bit too pointy BUT it;s an did read as a horse to me right away. Mules have longish ears compared to horses so the one thing I might change really is possibly smaller ears but as I said I think it does look more horsish than mulish. Are those real words lol..... also the rider needs a lot of lessons lol, ha ha! He is sitting way too far back on the horse's back! I don't think 98% people would notice that so it;s probably ok really!
Personally, I saw it as a horse immediately. You have plenty of other visual cues in there to suggest itβs not some other kind of animal. Plus...I think you have plenty of leeway when it comes to illustrated horses:
@Coley Good to know
'Reads as horse right away' is definitely what I'm goin' for!
@Aaron_T Chuck Jones drew best horses :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes: It's amazing how far you can stretch the boundaries of a shape and still have it read
@Aaron_T Ohmigosh, I love that horse. That's one of those images that sticks with you, lol.
@Braden-Hallett Your drawing definitely looks like a horse! I think the head is a bit big, but otherwise it looks really good.
@TwiggyT Thanks
I think I can live with the head being a bit too big (it does look a bit pony-ish)
Yes, it reads as a horse
I like it. It may be a little small and the head might eb a little big but, it doesn't really bother me.
I think it looks like a horse but with what is called an ambling gait. It looks very refined.
I love this horse! It def reads immediately
I've been riding my whole life, and sure, there are parts of the anatomy that are exaggerated but it's stylistic right, not realistic
I like it! Though as @Coley mentioned, the knight is sitting a bit too far back. He's in for a bumpy ride back there
His heels are on point though!
Great work! -
No it reads as a broom