Hi, I'm Jake. I'm new here to SVS and thought this would be a good place to say hello! Professionally I'm a graphic designer out of Boston, MA but Illustration is my passion. I'd like to steer my career in that direction. I'm still floating on where I should focus. I feel like children's books is where I would like to go, though I lean toward the gross a lot of the time so I don't think my current portfolio represents that.
I'm starting my month (well, end of June) with color. Like a dope, I skipped color theory in college. Last week I took Will Terry's 'Magic of Color' class and have been practicing my color on my Inktober drawings from last year. I've also started a new Instagram account as I have recently become a dad and felt the need to separate my family from my work.
For the rest of themonth I plan continuing color practice and blowing out my new IG account with my colored Inktobers from last year. I'd also like to start a portfolio that more represents the Illustrator I'd like to be!