11 Mar 2019, 16:52

I love the book "The Wind in the Willows," So thats the cover i'm gana do! I'm going to try a new drawing style with this one, something similar to Olly Moss. Hopefully, I can get it done in time. We will see.

Apologies for the thumbnails. They are a bit hard to see.
I plan to go with something similar to the final bottom thumbnail.
I want to include all the main characters. Mole, Ratty, Mr. Toad, Badger, Otter, and baby Otter.
Ratty and Mole in the rowboat in the mid-ground, Otter and baby in Foreground, and Mr. Toad driving his automobile up to his mansion and leaving Badger quite unhappily in the dust.

I could use your all's advise on the flow and movement (I don't want it to be stiff and sale)

so as this project progresses, any tips and trick you all have to offer regarding eye flow and movement would be great! Thanks πŸ™‚

Here is some of Olly Moss's work: (Doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Well, it does with me anyway lol).
Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 11.43.33 AM.png

IMG_8969.jpg IMG_8970.jpg