29 Nov 2018, 01:53

Thanks for the feedback, all! I've been doing my best to make time for this and these are actually moving forward, and it feels SO GOOD to be getting back to illustrating again.

I got some comments from a few other art friends, and I've had some interestingly contradictory comments on the first image. Some like it as is, some dislike the whole thing. But I like it so I'm moving forward with it. πŸ™‚ @kaitlinmakes my actual intention was that its a calendar on a wall rather than a window, though that isn't super clear in the thumbnail. πŸ˜‰ And though I see what you're saying @StudioLooong about her looking old there, one of the things I love about the book is how she acts old when she is young, and then becomes all bold and adventurous only AFTER she's turned old. So the hunch was totally intentional in that way, along with the more strong attitude of the old version of her.

Oh, and @StudioLooong I would LOVE to see your versions as well! I'm excited to see all the entries really. As I said, I don't expect to win, I'm doing it for the portfolio and the love of the book. So post yours on the forum if you're inclined, I'd love to see :-).

@TwiggyT Yes that is a button, at the suggestion of a critique I got from I friend I added another button up on the stairs so its easier to tell what the close up one is.

@robgale Thanks for the encouragement! It really is helpful to get comments and feedback of any kind. I am indeed going for it despite the craziness of the holiday season, and life with two little kids.

And in case anyone cares, here is where I'm at on the first image. I'm trying to get it to work with general values before I put any color in, and I want to keep the palette fairly limited anyway.
