That little video on the course page is just a sample video. So that's why it's smaller, etc. The real video is able to go full screen and both lectures last about 68 minutes
Discovering Your Style Lecture & PDF
That little video on the course page is just a sample video. So that's why it's smaller, etc. The real video is able to go full screen and both lectures last about 68 minutes
@lee-white Working now - thanks!
@lee-white That is fantastic! Thanks Lee!
I was so excited for this one, thank you so much for redoing it @Lee-White
Great class I'm going to create a dream portfolio, such a great idea @Lee-White
@lee-white - I really enjoyed this! Thanks so much for rerecording and making it available. I had no idea that there were regular lectures/webnars you can watch. Where do you find them?
I am new to SVS and to illustration. I have been waiting for the 'Style Fairy' to show up:) Good to have a plan now and I can't wait to do the dream portfolio exercise. I have collected images for a long time that I like, but there is definitely a difference between what I like and what I wish I was making. I also have never broken down very specific details about why I like certain images. BTW...the reason I ended up at SVS last month was because I heard about your watercolor class....loved that too.
Thanks for sharing your experience. SVS seems like a great place to be and I am hoping to finally 'go to art school' here.
Glad you guys are liking it. It's one I've wanted to make for a long time. I'm doing a follow up on it at some point regarding how to pick good subject matter.
It really is one of the best Third Thursdays yet. Looking forward to part two!
Wonderful class, you guys really helped open my eyes. I started looking through my pinterest boards and assembling a dream portfolio board, and I realized that I've collected three different types of images on my art and illustration boards.
- Art I love to look at.
- Art I wish I could do, but honestly just don't want to put the work into learning.
- Art that I love, that I want to do, that stirs up emotions and makes me smile. That's what I wanna do!
Very interesting to discover!
Like always, amazing class @Lee-White ! Very interesting. I loved seeing the inspiration behind everyones work.
I actually have a dream portfolio already (although I didn't know it was that before tonight!) and I always felt a little guilty to use it. My biggest influences at this time are Howard McWilliam, Maja Sereda (she works in soft pastel which is my favorite medium) and Pascal Campion (for his use of color and light). Every time I opened my "dream portfolio" for inspiration I would feel guilty because I felt I was cheating a little. The example you showed and what you said really reassured me that I am actually going in the right direction! Thanks!
@nowayme yea, this project and line of thinking is typically quite freeing. Knowing that it's ok to like stuff and try it out is so refreshing. I've had students literally break down in class when they realize it's ok and they aren't cheating.
All this time I have been deliberately avoiding taking any influence from artists I admire,I have been so afraid of being accused of stealing I am afraid to even be influenced by a colour palette,The dream portfolio I have collected is all dark and subtle colours totally unlike anything I ever do.Really amazing and informative video Thanks!
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@evilrobot agreed!