Climate change - WIP - feedback appreciated
This months SCBWI prompt is Climate change. Which concept do you think works best?
Aerial view of Antarctica with thr penguins spelling SOS
Boy dumping trash in a fish bowl
3/4. Top half above the sea - beautiful serene view and bottom half - full of garbage. Should the whale be spouting trash?
@Neha-Rawat i think the boy dumping trash in his fish bowl is more power than any of the three. I think it shows how the older generation’s actions are affecting how our children are acting.
I also like 2 best as a composition though I think the first one fits the climate change theme better since climate change has more to do with global warming than trash. (Not that trash isn't a major problem. It's just not specific to climate change.)
Thanks @Nyrryl-Cadiz @demotlj
I'll work on developing the top 2 more and see which fits in more -
Oooh, how do you come up with such great ideas? Yes 1 fits the theme better. I like 2 and 4 too! Can you just do all three of them?
@Neha-Rawat I love #4.
#1 fits the theme best. The O would read better if it was a little bigger. Small detail - igloo building people are from the Arctic. Penguins live in the southern hemisphere in the Antarctic. A South Pole research station would fit the bill.
Hm... I think 2 has the deepest concept. I've definitely never seen anything like it before. The words add a lot to the impact.
@Neha-Rawat Ι love the idea of the second image. Pretty sure that if you go to that direction ,you ll make somethiing powerful.Cant wait to see what you choose!!
@TessaW Haha! Maybe I will!
@Kim-Hunter Ooh thanks for the info! I was aware that penguins live in the antarctic but I missed out on the igloos. I simple fact check from my side was overlooked. Thanks!
@baileymvidler @Georgios-Christopoulos @Laurel-Aylesworth Thanks!
TBH, I came across idea #2 on pinterest and also found it really impactful. So I decided to make it more children's booky. I do hope I'm able to to justice to these concepts in terms of the execution.
Thanks everyone for your feedback! -
I really like #2 as well! Excited to see it come together!
Where did you find this SCBWI prompt? I am totally intrigued.
@EliaMurrayArt All SCBWI member's get a monthly magazine emailed to them at the beginning of the month which has the prompt for that month
@Neha-Rawat how have I been missing this!!
I went further with the 2nd idea. I don’t think the “trash” is coming through very clearly. Any suggestions on how I can improve it?
@Neha-Rawat Oh, I didn't understand #2 at first, and now I get it....OOF! This is powerful. I'm glad you're going with it.