problem with lamp etc in final assignment Basic Perspective class
I'm trying to take my basic perspective class final assignment a little further and round it out a little more and turn it into a more finished bedroom study. I'm trying to add a lamp on the bedside table. Also not sure on the perspective on the clock above the bed (it sticks out a little from the wall so the line looks a little thick on the right hand side). . I used one of the grids that came with the Building Backgrounds class with Brian Ahjar to build this particular scene (I did a few more with my own grids but this was a higher point of view and I wanted to challenge myself a little more).
Any thoughts on anything, in particular the lamp>!?
@Coley For the lamp, we would see more of the top of the lamp. The circle would be fatter. I tried to do a draw over on my phone app but my fat fingers wouldn’t let me draw detail in such a small space
Try drawing a perspective box and fit the circle s into it. That should help you see. -
@burvantill thanks! I'm giving that a try right now. Starting on building a box on the dresser based on the grid and will work within that.
working on making a box to build my lamp off of. I can see now that the ellipse on top will be wider for sure
Thinking on making it a square lampshade lol but I need the ellipse practice
@Coley Ellipses are difficult! It's great that you built the rectangle around the lamp to help you, that's a great tool to use to make sure your ellipses turn out as you want
As for the clock, the problem is that we can see the thickness of it both above and under it. This perspective is from a high POV, so we shouldn't be able to see the bottom. I hop that helps!
@NessIllustration your comments are always SO helpful! While I am still on 1-point perspective, I am following these perspective threads in hopes that lessons from those like you who do perspective well will percolate and eventually seep into my perspective-challenged brain. Thank you!
@NessIllustration thanks for the aha moment!
@Coley just saw this, the bottom of the wall behind the lamp stand is on a different line than it is to the left of the bed.
The small things sneak by. -
@burvantill oooh thanks will fix.
@burvantill great catch!